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Father Daughter Waltz Songs
Posted by Father Daughter Help
6/12/2014  8:04:00 AM
Hello, my dad and I are trying to find a contemporary song that has appropriate words for our father daughter dance. It needs to be a little bit slower, so "I loved her first" is out - although beautiful. Even some Elton John or Billy Joel would be great! Thanks in advance!
Re: Father Daughter Waltz Songs
Posted by nloftofan1
6/13/2014  12:42:00 PM
Your subject line is "Father Daughter Waltz Songs" but in your post you only say you are looking for a contemporary song. Are you looking for Waltz music? A Waltz has a specific rhythm; you can't dance a Waltz to just any song. If it doesn't have to be a Waltz you will have more choices.
Re: Father Daughter Waltz Songs
Posted by waynelee
6/14/2014  10:12:00 AM
One of my favorites is "Cinderella" as performed by Steven Curtis Chapman. It is more of a Vienese Waltz, but it could be slowed down a little. Cinderella came out in 2007. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x-XyTUbkF4&feature=kp

Another one that's right up there is "I Loved Her First" by Heartland. I believe it came out in 2006. It's a waltz. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab4VRWX8y1A

Good luck in picking that one perfect song.

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